
I Am David Analysis

Decent Essays

Kyle Hass Mrs. Warwick Language Arts 8-3 17 March 2015 Rough Draft “Follow the compass southward ‘til you get to Salonika…go north ‘til you come to a country called Denmark.” “The Man,” had said this to David, so he could escape from the labor camp. I Am David, the historical fiction novel written by Anne Holm, describes the story of a 12 year old boy named David whom escapes his labor camp and begins his journey to Denmark. Holm has described a historically accurate Cold War gulag (concentration camp), by the location, type of camp, and reason for being sent to his camp. What was the type of concentration camp did David live in and escape from? “On the other hand, nothing pleasant had yet ever happened in the camp that David could remember and he was now 12 years old...” Page 4 in I Am David has told us that he is 12 years old. This means that the camp that David had lived in allowed kids to work. This takes place at a labor camp. “Anne Holm sets the stage at a Bulgarian labor camp… where children as well as adult performed heavy labor,” this quote is from “Belene-Bulgarian Forced Labor Camp,” on This tells us exactly what type of Camp David had lived in, but where was this camp. …show more content…

My guess was Germany, but where they are is actually Bulgaria. “One of the camps in Bulgaria…was called Belene. It is from here-Belene- that David the hero of I Am David begins his journey.” This was quoted from “Bulgarian Labor Camps,” at This piece of evidence tells us where David’s Camp was. Now that we have that cleared up, why was David sent to his

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