
I Am Malala

Decent Essays

In the biography by Malala Yousafzai titled,”I am Malala,” Malala tells an incredible story about serious events she has encountered as a child living in Afghanistan, and a terrible accident that she endured while fighting for education rights in Pakistan. Malala is a 16 year old girl who once lived in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley, not afraid to spread her opinions about freedom of education, however, this behavior got Malala in much trouble by the country's Taliban. Malala was on her way home on a bus when a bearded man stepped onto the road. Her best friend, Moniba, believed he was an interviewer, however, this turned out to be false when the man stepped into the vehicle and demanded to know where Malala was. Shortly …show more content…

Malala clearly describes her family members, setting, friends, and events so vividly throughout the whole story, that the reader begins to feel at home with Malala and gets a sense of what her common life looked like. While describing her home town, Swat Valley, she describes it as though it is a beautiful paradise surrounded by fruit trees, full of rivers, and forests. A line to support this claim goes as follows,”We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and rivers full of trout.” (14, Yousafzai) Another element I enjoyed in the story was Malala’s sense of humor. In this story, Malala would often tell the reader stories of her childhood, such as the time she almost cried because she was no longer top of the class, or the time she stole from a little girl because she believed the little girl stole from her and decided to do the same. Malala thought a little girl who was her neighbor stole from her and then realized she probably didn't and I found this part funny. A following line that supports this claim and that I found really funny is, “I realize now that she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do the same to her.” (70,

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