I Am Malala is a memoir by Malala Yousafzai that chronicles her experiences in standing up for education in Pakistan. Malala spent her childhood advocating for girls’ rights both in and out of the school system. Her distinguished father, Ziauddin, encouraged her to take a stand and continue to attend school, even when the Taliban decreed that girls were forbidden from getting an education. Malala writes, “My father used to say the people of Swat and the teachers would continue to educate our children until the last room, the last teacher and the last student was alive. My parents never once suggested I should withdraw from school, ever. Though we loved school, we hadn’t realized how important education was until the Taliban tried to stop us” (146). On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, Malala was traveling home from school when a Talib boarded her bus and asked, “Who is Malala” (9)? The man shot Malala in the head. After a miraculous recovery, Malala continued to fight for education for girls around the world. By standing up for women’s rights in Pakistan, Malala inspires others to do the same in their communities. I am unlike Malala in many ways. I live in a country where women and girls have the right to receive an education. In the United States, women have much more freedom than Pakistani women. In Pakistan, women and girls cannot leave their house without a male family member. Communities often force young girls into arranged marriages. Malala explains, "In Pakistan when
In the memoir ‘I am Malala’ by Malala Yousafzai, two important characters are Malala and her father. In this essay, I will describe what lessons Malala Yousafzai and her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, has taught the audience. I will also compare these two characters and see the similarities they have. The memoir ‘I am Malala’ is about Malala, a young woman, who is from Pakistan, who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban.
Malala Yousafzai being a completely different person that any girl in her country demonstrates the gruesome ,and savage nature of the men and women in the country of Pakistan. She not only shows the unawareness driven by fright among the people there, but displays how horrid it truly was. Influences of a misinterpretation form of Islam yield the innocent under the hands of the miserable forces of the evil such as the Taliban. Subsequently, the country of Pakistan under Taliban rule has gone through continuous fear and discriminations that strip girls from their education. Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani women who only wanted an education, was obligated to view her life at its worst and at the same time, view the desire and dreams of girls who brawl for there education that they have been denied.
They are restricted from participating and excelling in diverse fields and professions. Malala was able to change her fate by hard work and perseverance. While reading the book you can see how really stood up for what she believed in. “I don’t want to be thought of as the “girl who was shot by the Taliban” but the “girl who fought for education.” This is the cause to which I want to devote my life”.
Growing up in Taliban controlled Pakistan, Malala and her family were concerned with women’s education in their home. She became a BBC blogger, writing about what it was like living under the Islamic extremists. She was a strong advocate for education, publicly speaking about the issue and winning several awards. In 2012, the Taliban considered her a threat, and boarded her school bus, shooting her in the head. Malala was 14 years old. She survived the attack, receiving treatment in England. From these traumatic events, she rose to become a global figure and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate of all time. Her book, I am Malala, the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, is a memoir of her experiences that is read throughout the world. Malala’s misfortune played a huge role in bringing to center stage, and in making her the influential women she is today. If she had never been attacked, she would not have made the global impact she
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani school understudy and instruction extremist from the town of Mingora in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa territory. She is known for her instruction and ladies' rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had on occasion banned young ladies from going to class.
I Am Malala is an autobiography of Malala’s life in Pakistan when the Taliban took over the Swat Valley. Malala’s father founded an all-girls school, which Malala attends with other girls. Eventually, the Taliban take over Pakistan and girls have to sneak to get an education. She has many hardships and Pakistan becomes a warzone because of the terrorists. Women have no freedom. Malala becomes the spokesperson for all women to be free and gets a target on her back because of it. The Lexile score is 1000L and is the age range
In I am Malala, the memoir, a young girl shot by the name of Malala Yousafzai, was shot by the Taliban because she stood up for education. Malala’s struggle inspires me as a student who is preparing to embark on my college journey. Malala went through many struggles in her young life. One struggle Malala faced was that she could not walk around without a male relative.
I am Malala is a heroic story about a young woman who stood up for what she wanted. This auto-biography is based on a teenager named Malala Yousafzi who stood up for girls education in her home country Pakistan. She also went against the Taliban because she didn't think it was right of what they were doing to her innocent village. When Malala was born very few people came to congratulate her parents because the birth of a girl is seen as a failure of the parents in her culture. She was born and raised in Sway Valley, Northeastern Pakistan. Swat Valley has beautiful scenery which attracts a lot of tourism until the Taliban took over the valley. Malala’s parents Ziauddin and Toor Pekai were very kind humble people from the mountain villages. Malala’s father was a very well educated man who grew up studying poetry and literature. He also started the Khushal School a three years before Malala was born. ”My father started the school three years before I was born, and he was a teacher, accountant, and principal—as well as a janitor, handyman, and chief mechanic.” (Chapter 1, Page 20) In Malala’s culture, girls are refused an education or even simply knowing how to read and write. Her father helped girls by starting the school and making a big influence on girls. Malala is truly a hero throughout this paper you will see how she changed everything.
The book, I Am Malala, gave a powerful message about activism, family, women’s rights, but most importantly, the power of education. Malala Yousafzai had a very strong belief in education and would not stop at anything to guarantee that every child was able to go to school. Malala grew up believing that education was the key to success, but not everyone else believed that. Malala lived in a society where women were not treated as equals, and soon appeared laws prohibiting women’s right to attend school. Malala was extremely determined to continue her education, she even snuck to school, hid her books and abandoned her school uniform so she would not be noticed. Malala becomes vocal about education and gives her opinion in interviews for many news stations. Many people in her country feared to express their opinions, however, Malala wanted to be the change. Malala expressed her belief that “If people were silent, nothing would change.” (Yousafzai 140). Although Malala knew that it was dangerous to speak against the Taliban, she suggests her opinions in interviews to draw international attention to her cause. Malala dreamed of getting an education so she could become a politician and help her country. But when she was 10, the Taliban took control of her town, making it a law that girls were banned from
The book I Am Malala How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World is about a girl who is a moderate Muslim and lived in Swat Valley, Pakistan. She got shot by the Taliban for standing up for education and women's rights. After, that she wrote a memoir, so everyone would know what happened to her and to raise awareness about women’s rights and education in Pakistan. In this book there are three major themes that are a big part of the book.
Malala had the struggle with having the Taliban forcing Pakistan women what they can or cannot do in Pakistan. Also being judge and less than for being a women. For example when Malala was born her father was look down upon and also people were showing guilt for him having a daughter rather than a son. In the beginning of Cameron Russell’s Ted Talk, she explained how it felt that a
What are some good written examples of good decisions and what is a moral compass? A moral compass is your perception of what is right or wrong and whether you choose to have integrity or not. In other words, your moral compass is your conscience. I have chosen the Little Women and I Am Malala selections from our StudySync unit. I Am Malala is written by Malala herself and Patricia McCormick. Little Women is written by Louisa May Alcott. Both of these show great acts of integrity and choosing the right path using the character’s moral compass.
I Am Malala is a deeply moving and inspiring story of justice, bravery, and hope. Malala’s journey towards education for all also calls us to action, and her optimistic outlook on everything gives us just as much hope as she has. The book’s writing style is very personal, so you get great insight into Malala’s daily life, and feel like you’re right next to her the whole time. You’re sure to be laughing and crying right alongside the characters! Besides the wonderful main story, the book is also full of historical and political facts about Malala’s homeland, so it’s a great read for those intrigued by Pakistan’s history. If you’re interested in education rights, women’s rights, history, or just an incredibly uplifting story, then you should definitely read I Am Malala!
The autobiography I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai begins with the scene of young pakistani education and women’s rights activist Malala being shot in the head. Her school bus had been stopped by the Taliban who, after asking which of the girls was Malala, put a bullet into her head. Malala ends the powerful prologue with the words “Who is Malala? I am Malala and this is my story” (9). Malala then rewinds to the story of her birth and how in Pakistan, no one congratulated her parents when she was born because she was a girl. Pakistani culture pushes for the birth of a boy as an islamic majority country. However, her father saw the potential in his daughter as a great leaser and named her after one of the great female leaders in Pakistan-
In “I am Malala,” Malala Yousafzai explores the idea that education empowers women to stand up for their rights, so that they can have a positive future.