
I Am The Most Football Inquestion

Decent Essays

As many of you may of heard about deflategate by now but, I can can tell you the truth on this matter for I am the very football inquestion. So my life started the same as any other inflated dead cow in Ada, Ohio. I was made in the second week of January which meant I was going to be used for one of the upcoming championship games. Before I was shipped out I was dreaming of being thrown by Tom Brady and Andrew Luck or being carried by Beast Mode and Eddie Lacy. After my fellow footballs and I heard we were going to Foxborough I knew we would play a role in a historic game that could be Brady’s last chance for four rings or Luck’s first of many super bowl appearances. We arrived a few days before the AFC Championship Game. I was thankfully one of the 6 outdoor footballs and not one of the balls only used for kicking or practice because I wanted to feel what it was like to be thrown by what could two of the best quarterbacks of all time when it is said and done. I also didn 't want to be the football that missed a field goal because of the wind or snow that is present at a night game at Gillette. We were picked up by Jim McNally and John Jastremski, the Patriot equipment managers. They took us to their office and set us in the corner behind their desk. I was on top of the bag so I had a perfect view of their computers and I was stunned by what I saw. Jim and John were talking to Brady about how he wanted us prepared. This is pretty normal for teams to do and with a star

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