
I Felt Your Proposal Was Worth Considering

Decent Essays

In reviewing your suggested app, “Security Alert,” I felt your proposal was worth considering. With forty-percent of surveyed Americans feeling unsafe walking at night, this app could aid in reducing the anxieties associated with this fear as you had pointed out in your proposition (Sadd, 2011). Furthermore, with three-fourths of surveyed parents stating that child abduction was a fear that they held and one-third of these parents admitting it was a worry that affected them frequently, this app could even further reduce anxieties (Bilich, n.d.). Consequently, decreasing the apprehension that one might feel. Therefore, this shrinking of one’s level of stress, could aid in the development of better physical and emotional health, therefore lessening the risk of developing other stress-related disorders (Nevid, 2015, p. 357). Moreover, “Security Alert” could prove to be a valuable parenting support, should an actual abduction occur, as the “Red” option would allow for faster response time as you had also pointed out. Rapid response is critical in the recovery of an abducted child, as seventy-four percent of slayings occur within the first three hours after abduction (Bilich, n.d.).
Again, I foresee an app such as this being successful in providing security for its users, although I am not sure that disguising it as a security application would prove to be effective. Ultimately, the likelihood that an abductor would take the time to open the app is extremely low. Therefore, I

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