
I Had Seen Castles

Decent Essays

For anyone to react effectively in a situation, a level of maturity is required in order to think through the correct course of action. A time of constant change, not only of the world at large, but also of the individual is described by Cynthia Rylant. In I Had Seen Castles, Rylant uses the change of the time and of the world’s view to show the change and growth in Diane’s emotional and mental maturity.

The beginnings of the war show the evolution of maturity and how quickly change really can happen. Before the bombing, Diane was described as a "romantic girl," "Not quite a woman," and "waiting for something" (Rylant 4). Stating that Diane is romantic but contrasting it with the fact that she is not a woman gives the impression …show more content…

To take this leap of faith shows that the times had changed Diane in ways that weren’t immediately apparent, if at all, to those around her. After the war concludes, Diane’s character is far different from that which we were introduced to.

The resolution of the war brought Diane back and with a different form of her mental and emotional maturity. John had said “My sister was no longer the young woman…

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