
I Have A Dream Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Martin Luther King’s use of rhetoric throughout his “I Have a Dream” speech carried his argument-that African Americans should be treated as equals and have the same rights as white people-to change an entire nation for the better. MLK claims that African Americans were denied many of their basic rights and freedoms. He uses a metaphor of a “bad check” to make this topic easier to grasp because money is something that everyone understands. MLK uses a tone of urgency and repetition of the phrase “now is the time”(lines 36-41) to convey his argument that they need to make a change now. He saw that African Americans’ rights were being abused and forgotten, and a quick change needed to be made. King also uses imagery to convey his argument, “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”(lines 50-52). This imagery creates an effect of motivation or drive in the audience to keep pushing for equality. The imagery …show more content…

First, he talks about the history of African American rights and earning freedom(lines 1-45). This section is structured like a narrative because he talks about events that have happened throughout history that have impacted the rights of African Americans. The second section of his speech is meant to motivate the audience to keep fighting for equality(lines 46-93); King tells the audience to fight, but also to keep the peace. The final part of the speech is where MLK discusses his hopes and dreams for the future of African Americans’ rights(lines 94-147). King’s purpose is to motivate the audience. He uses his claim that if they work together, they can achieve equality. In lines 61-68, King argues that in order to get freedom for African Americans, they must work together with their “white brothers.” He wants us to take action and fight for what e believe in without becoming violent. His motivating and urgent tone also emphasizes this

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