
I Have A Dream : The Power Of Dreams In The World

Decent Essays

“I have a dream’, the words of Martin Luther King jr rang out over the crowd, ‘that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their characters.” King continued on to deliver one of the most profound speeches of the 1960s, creating a movement that swept the nation. He was one of many people who understood the power of dreams and the potential they had if brought about. I believe that dreams have the power to change nations through my personal observations, experiences, and understanding of Scripture. Great men are often powered by big dreams driving them to accomplish amazing things. General George S. Patton is a splendid example, from a young age he knew he would become a great General, commanding men and machine conquering all who stood in the way of the United States (Editors, He dreamed of serving his country as his ancestors did in the American Revolution and the Civil War (Editors, As Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Even though Walt Disney was born sixteen years after General Patton, his encouragement seemed to speak to him and all other great men who pursued their dreams. Along these lines, famed personality theorist and therapist, Sigmund Freud believed that we dream to satisfy our own wishes. He even thought that dreaming about something can fulfill and satisfy a person.

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