
I Know When Caged Bird Sings Literary Analysis Maya Angelou

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A child is easily influenced by the surrounding people when moving to the different environments because of the immaturity. Maya Angelou talks about her childhood experience during the period of racial segregation in I Know Why Caged Bird Singings, how she changes her mind of wishing to be a white person to be proud of being a Negro, and how she gets mature to be ready for her adulthood affected by the people around her. Angelou uses the literary tool of characterization, point of view and allegory to portray her growing. Unlike conservative and square-toed Momma, Maya’s mother, Vivian, is a more open-minded person. She is considered as a beautiful, well- educated woman who loves Maya very much but with a little bit selfishness. Before Maya …show more content…

Early one morning, Vivian woke Maya and Bailey up and told them to go to the kitchen. They were excited when they found there was a party. Later her mother danced and encouraged them to learn this kind of dance derived from American African. “We learned the Time Step St Louie’s… I approached the Time Step with the same determination to win that I had approached the time tables with.” (54) Vivian makes Maya’s life with enjoyable, let her contact more with her own culture, and offers her opportunities she would never have experienced in Stamps, which broadens her horizon. When Maya was afraid of touching her baby and always worried about if she did something wrong, her mother said, “See, you don’t have to think about doing the right thing. If you’re for the right thing, then you do it without thinking.” (246). These simple words comfort Maya immediately, providing confidence and reassurance to her to take care of her own child. Vivian might not know how to raise a child, but she tries her utmost to connect with Maya and to be a good role model for her. She does play a crucial role in Maya’s self-development of becoming an

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