I Like Lyra Constellation And The Mythology of It Greek I Like It Because She Liked Dancing A Lot She Can Dance Until Death The One warlock in town was so fascinated by the girls that he swore that he would marry one of them. The problem was that this particular warlock was irascible and cruel, and Vega, trying to dissuade him, proposed a test. He should dance with her daughters, and if any one of them got tired first, he could marry her. But if he got tired first, there would be no wedding. The warlock, famous for being a strong warrior, accepted. Vega began to play her lyra, and the girls began to dance. The warlock danced with them for three days and three nights, but they did not seem tired. The warlock, realizing he was going to loose
I chose the constellation Andromeda because the back story and myths it has really fascinates me! I feel that some of the myths behind the consolations can be rather boring, but with the romance and danger all wrapped into one, I continue going back to it. This constellation is the 19th largest in the sky and is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere. It takes seven-hundred-twenty-two square feet in the sky!
goddess wanted to go to bed with him, not to build trust, and as a result,
He remembered what the old lady said what women desired the most. “You have two choices; which one will you try? To have me old and ugly till I die, But still displease you all her life, Or would you rather I were young and pretty And chance your arm what happens in a city Where friends will visit you because of me, Yes, and in other places too, maybe.” He had to choose what type of wife he wanted to have. “My lady and my love, my dearest wife, I leave the matter to your wise decision.” The Knight uses his knowledge to his ability. He remembered what the old lady said what women desired the most. He gave her the chance to choose what she wanted. “Lo, she was young and lovely, rich in charms.” Because he gave her the chance to choose, she turned into everything he ever wanted.
I have chosen the Perseus Constellation. I chose that contallation because I have always liked the Greek Gods mythology. Perseus, named after the Greek Mythology hero, is a constellation in the Northen Sky. Perseus is bordered by Aries and Taurus to the south, Auriga to the east, Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia to the north, and Andromeda and Triangulum the west.
I chose this constellation as my favourite as I've read stories about the Underground Railroad which helped slaves escape from the South before the Civil War, they actually sang songs which spread across the slave population which referred to "The Drinking Gourd",
My favourite constellation is the Aquarius one. I particularly like this constellation because I love the mythology behind it. It is said the the Greeks connected the Aquarius constellation with Ganymede who was known as the cup bearer to the gods. According to the myth, apparently Ganymede was a handsome young boy who Zeus had an interest for. Ganymede was brought to Mount Olympus by Zeus, where he served as cup bearer to the gods and there he was granted eternal youth after he poured out Zeus wine and water which caused a great flood because he didn't want to serve drinks anymore.
My favorite constellation by far is the Gemini constellation. The Gemini constellation is my favorite because my star sign is Gemini. And it is fairly easy to spot in the night sky, although the best viewing month is in February.
I chose Sagittarius for my favorite constellation. Sagittarius is latin for Archer and sits next to Scorpius on the west and Capricornus to the East. I chose this constellation because it is my astrology constellation and I wanted to learn more about it.
I have chosen the constellation Scorpius. I chose Scorpius because it is one of the most interesting looking constellations (in my opinion), and it contains many bright stars. Scorpius means scorpion in Latin, and it is a zodiac sign, although its name is changed to Scorpio. It is in the southern hemosphere, and it lies between Sagittarius and Libra.
My favorite constellation would be the Cassiopeia. It is one of the most recognizable constellations in the northern sky during night time in fall and early winter. It has a W shape formed by five bright stars. It is part of the 48 constellations written in Ptolemy's work in the 2nd-century and still part of the 88 modern constellations today.
I chose the Andromeda constellation because Greek mythology is very interesting to me, and I love the story behind this constellation. Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere.
Pegasus is my favorite constellation. Pegasus is also my nickname because if you take the first parts of my name you get the basic description of a Pegasus. The star that burns the brightest is Epsilon Pegasi. It is found in the NQ4 quadrant. It is the 7th largest constellation.
Perhaps my favorite constellation is Lepus, ‘the Hare’. I like the association of Lepus, the hare, with the lunar mythology of China, especially the relationship with the moon rabbit. There is also something haunting about the eternal hunt, the chase that is etched upon the stars of Lepus, the hunter Orion, and his dogs in Greek mythology. Lepus does not represent any major figure in Greek Mythology but it was one of the 48 constellations listed by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy. Today it remains as one of the modern constellations.
My favorite constellation would have to be Orion. I chose this because I've always thought it would be cool to be shooting down starry prey while soaring among the stars. Orion is a hunter. He is forever in the stars hunting down meals and criminals. To me, Orion seemed like a tough guy. He's by himself in the stars, waiting for someone or something to come his way and end his seemingly endless lonely universe. That's why I chose Orion and a little information on this great hunter.
Portia is a bachelorette in Belmont, the heiress to her dead father’s fortune, which attracts men from all over the world. ‘In Belmont is a lady richly left; And she is fair, and fairer than that word...For the four winds blow in from every coast renowned suitors’ ( I, i, 161 – 169). Portia loves her recently deceased father and this is shown when she decides to carry on with the casket challenge for her suitors that her father started. The men that arrive, wanting Portia’s hand in marriage are all drunk and boisterous and she isn’t particularly attracted to them but she is obliged to, because of her father’s wishes. The way Portia acts towards her father shows how much she loved him, unlike Jessica’s attitude towards her father.