
I Love Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

“You're going to hell”... “God hates you”... “You're an abomination to this world”... As I sit here as a soon to be senior, I still can hear the words my mom screamed at me the day I had announced I was gay! But this wasn't the first time I tried to come out but this was the worse. I had come out many times but been pushed back into the closet because of my her in denial. “Charvaye”... “CHARVAYE”... I can hear a voice so powerful and ear-splitting calling my name and I shake out of my daze and I look up from my desk and I see my best friend and my face lights with happiness but she looks at me like I'm stupid. “why the fuck you looking at me like that, I know you see me smiling,” I say laughing but she doesn't laugh or crack a smile.

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