
I Remember I Remember Diction

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In Thomas Hood’s poem titled I Remember, I Remember, he uses colloquial diction in order to keep the feeling of the poem lite and non-complex. When describing his recalling of a day in his childhood, Hood uses short, simple phrases to convey his imagery. (Where I was used to swing…the air must rush as fresh to the swallow’s wing…my spirit flew in feathers…summer pools could hardly cool the fever on my brow.) By using this simple diction, Hood keeps this poem easy to read so that anyone who happens upon his poem may not only be able to read it fluently, but also understand it completely. The language Hood uses to describe his days as a child are of themselves childish as well. He does this for I Remember, I Remember in order to reflect the attitude …show more content…

This poem follows a rhyme scheme of a, b, c, b, d, e, f, e in each stanza as the lines progress. Overall, the sentences of the poem are relatively simple and require no reading between the lines. Every line in the poem is meant to be taken literally and has only one layer of meaning, supporting the earlier statement of the poem being an overall simple read. The only repetition Hood uses throughout the poem is the titled phrase, being “I Remember, I Remember”, which appears at the beginning of each stanza. He does this when he is about to begin remembering a time when he was a little boy and to emphasize the remembrance of this time as a child along with his young innocence. (Huhn 201) (“It was a childish ignorance…when I was a boy”) With the exception of one stanza of two sentences, the poem is composed of four single-sentence stanzas that have eight lines each. Within each stanza, Hood places a snapshot of his childhood to contrast with a thought from his now mature adulthood and adult mind. (Huhn 201). Along with the rhyme scheme, the sentence pattern does not fluctuate at all throughout the poem and remains constant. The rhyme scheme of the poem aids in the flow of the piece as it is easier to read, not on a depth or understanding level, but more on a level of

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