
I Visited Ps 181 's Language Arts Classroom

Decent Essays

I visited PS 181 's language arts classroom for a period of 4 sessions, and stayed 2 hours per visit I recorded notes of interactions between the students/instructors, and my own conversations with the teachers. Since I was observing two classrooms at PS 181, I established a rapport with the teachers to get a clearer understanding about their jobs, asks about the standards that are in place, and whether or not the current structures in place are effective. Both classrooms contained a large amount of students. The middle school has a total of 4 6th grade classes, including a special education classroom of 12 students, 1 teacher, and 1 paraprofessional. The classed I visited included students of mixed proficiency reading, and writing levels. Upon entering these two classrooms on different occasions I noticed the bulletin boards listed classroom procedures. It’s important for the students to have a sense of accountability for their own actions. I also liked that both classrooms established procedures with the students so that when the students failed to follow the procedures they were breaking their own policies.
My first observation was a 5th grade general education class consisting of 25 students. I spent more time with the 5th grade class since the middle school student’s move from class to class. My second observation at Ps 181 was in the middle school 6th grade general-ed with inclusion. Both classrooms were filled with themes, books in accordance to

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