
IIc Case Study

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CM called Anne Hinton (IIC) to discuss continuation of services and to update IIC of what was discussed at last the face to face meeting. CM was informed that Devin did not make the basketball team. Ms. Hinton stated that she and Devin met on Friday to process this matter and they are meeting again on 9/14/16. CM and IIC discussed Devin’s progress in school and in the community. The IIC explained to CM that Devin is doing well and he is demonstrating improved self-esteem throughout sessions. The IIC stated that Devin is ready for transition. The IIC recommend to extend for IIC services for one month to work on the transition process with the youth. CM and IIC came to an agreement that Devin will transition out of CMO on October …show more content…

services. CM informed Mr. Moreau that Devin’s case is still in the process of transiting. CM and B.A. explained Devin progress and how well Devin is doing in school and in the community. CM was informed that Devin and B.A. has been meeting regularly. Mr. Moreau stated that Devin has been using his coping strategies when he is in a conflict. Mr. Moreau recommended that B.A. services be extended for one month to work on the transition process with the youth. CM and B.A. came to an agreement that Devin will transition out of CMO on October 7, 2016. CM contacted Ms. Feliciano (parent) to inform her that CM spoke to the IIC and B.A. regarding Devin’s transition. CM and Ms. Feliciano discussed Devin progress since CMO opened and Ms. Feliciano agreed to transition Devin out of CMO and link him to outpatient at Hoboken Medical Center or Jersey City Medical Center. Ms. Feliciano is aware that Devin next meeting on October 7, 2016 will be Devin transition/ IEP meeting. CM informed Ms. Feliciano of IIC and B.A. clinical recommendations.

CM spoke with Mr. Antunez regarding Devin transiting out of CMO. CM and Mr. Antunez discussed Devin’s growth throughout the year. CM explained to Mr. Antunez that Ms. Feliciano will link Devin to outpatient at Hoboken Medical Center or Jersey City Medical Center. CM stated that CM supervisor will also attend next month discharge meeting/ IEP meeting on October 7, 2016. Mr. Antunez agreed to Devin’s

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