
Iago Essay

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Iago, More than Just a Villain
Iago, the evil villain of Shakespeare's Othello, is more than just a villain. In many ways he is the most intelligent and appealing character in the play. Iago shows superiority over the rest of the characters in the play. He has the ability to manipulate the characters in the play, therefore controlling the play with every sequence of events. His intelligence shines through his ability to deceive, his ability to strategize, and his ability to twist the truth. Iago is appealing to the characters of the pay because he gives them what they want. Iago is appealing to the reader as well. His character is totally unconflicted about being evil, making him known to some authors as the villain of all villains. Iago …show more content…

i. 68-74). The significance is that Roderigo makes him upset by telling him of Othello and Desdemona. Iago’s deceiving plot makes Rodrigo as if he is an honest nobody who wants to help Rodrigo and his “lost “ daughter. Rodrigo calls to Brabantio’s window and pours out his emotions on this subject. “… Your fair daughter… / Transported with no worse nor better gaured / But with a knave of common hire, a grandolier / To the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor” (!. I. 121-25). The significance of these quotes is that Iago creates this blue print in which he uses his strategical intelligence to manipulate Rodrigo into manipulating Brabantio into believing that the “Moor” is lascivious, which will infuriate Brabantio. This is a very complex scheme that was provoked by Iago. He makes both Rodrigo and Brabantio adversaries of Othello. This plan wasn’t for the benefit of Rodrigo or Brabantio, but by using them as pawns, he gets closer to destroying Othello without getting involved in the conflict, which shows a good example of his intelligence.
Iago has a keen ability to be able to twist the truth. He is able to work around what is real by his excellent word usage and persuasiveness. Iago uses words to create puns that can easily make someone, Othello, jealous. In the third act Othello, Iago, and Emilia are having a conversation on Iago and Emilia’s relationship, which notifies Othello of the problems to come. Emilia exits the

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