
Iago's Hate In Othello Analysis

Decent Essays

Iago’s hate In the play Othello, by William Shakespeare, Iago’s actions are not influenced by his “evil nature”, rather influenced by his hate for Othello and Cassio. Iago is known for his evil actions that caused the death of Othello, Desdemona and his wife Emilia. However, the actions of the people around him caused his hate for them and their imminent demise. In particularly Othello and Cassio caused the build up of hate inside of Iago. Many reasons that ignited this hate for them is the position for lieutenant, rumors that they slept with his wife, and Cassio’s superior status in society. Iago’s loss of the job for lieutenant was one reason for his hate for both Cassio and Othello. Iago shows his hate for them in many examples. In the first scene Iago says “Despise me If I do not. Three great ones of the city In personal suit to make me his lieutenant Off-capped to him.” (1.1.8-11). and he says, “[...]“I have already chose my officer.” And what was he? Forsooth, a great arithmetician, One Michael Cassio, a Florentine” (1.1.18-21). Not only does Iago say that he hates Othello, but he also proves that he deserved that job. Three great Venetian men went to Othello and told him how worthy and qualified Iago was. It is justified that Iago hates Othello since all Cassio is a “Florentine” and a “arithmetician”. Even though Othello did not give the lieutenancy to Iago, he could have gave him third in position or even position him as captain. Instead he gave him

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