
Iago's Reputation In Othello

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Reputation is based on the actions and decisions that an individual chooses to let others see. However, a reputation does not always consist of the truth, which leads to the reality that people are not what they appear to be. In his play Othello, Shakespeare brings light to this concept through the antagonist, Iago. For example, this character is viewed by others as the most honest of men when in actuality he is manipulative and has no regard for human life. In this way, Iago earns the trust of several characters, including Cassio, Roderigo and Othello, all of whom become victims of his revenge. He uses his brilliance to torment his so called friends in calculating ways, all the while maintaining his public figure of an honest and humble man. …show more content…

For instance, when Cassio gets drunk at a party and Iago defends his actions, Iago’s intentions are not to protect a friend, but rather, to stir up a conflict between Cassio and Othello. In this situation Iago is acting in a way while hiding the reality of his work. Similarly, Cassio turns to Iago for advice in order to get back into Othello’s good graces. Iago goes on to tell Cassio to seek out Othello’s wife and ask her to restore Othello’s previous love for him. Now, this counsel is seemingly honest, however, as Othello’s wife attempts to defend Cassio, Othello will only grow more wrathful, as Iago has already been causing jealousy to consume him. Furthermore, while Cassio believes that Iago is helping him gain Othello’s trust, Iago is causing Othello to despise Cassio. Nevertheless, Iago attempts to ease his conscience. “How am I then a villain to counsel Cassio to this parallel course, directly to his good?” (Shakespeare 2:3:328-330). Iago is beginning to feel guilty and comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to absolve his own self if people see through his shroud of fraudulent modesty. Consequently, he continues on his scheming which proves that he is looking out for nobody’s wellbeing except his own. Therefore, Iago’s appearance of loyalty to Cassio is nothing if not an act to distract from his use of Cassio as a pawn in his pursuit of ruining Othello’s …show more content…

More specifically, Iago gains Othello’s trust and gets as close as one possibly can to another. He is by Othello’s side in every part of his life and guides Othello in his relationships while acting like the most loyal servant in existence. However, in doing this, Iago feeds Othello false ideas and causes him to see distorted images of reality. Iago plants a seed of jealousy in Othello and causes him to undo his whole life, including his marriage, reputation, and honour. Othello is ignorant to this and refers to Iago as being honest multiple times throughout the play. In addition, Othello regards Iago as his right hand man when the reality is quite the contrary. Iago detests Othello and only stays so close to him in order to destroy his life. “The Moor is of a free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by th’ nose as asses are” (1:3:390-393). Obviously, Iago believes that it is easy to manipulate Othello. To do so, Iago spins an intricate web that will undo Othello’s sanity by involving everyone and everything that Othello holds dear. Iago does not care who he has to hurt along the way as long as by the end of it, Othello is ruined. In this respect Iago succeeds, however, in doing so, Iago loses his humanity and all honour that could have redeemed him. In this way, Iago’s honest reputation only

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