
Idealism Vs. Realism in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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In 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald published his book, The Great Gatsby. Since then, the popularity of the book continues to grow, is still taught in schools, and has been made into a movie twice. The book takes you through an adventure of a hopeless romantic who throws extravagant parties hoping one day he would discover someone to help him find the girl he has always loved. Gatsby puts his lover, Daisy, on a pedestal and believes she is larger than life. Everything he does to win her over is ideally perfect, but not realistic. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald highlights the concept of Idealism versus Realism throughout the book. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was very …show more content…

The book was titled, The Great Gatsby. While he was working hard on the book, Zelda ended up having an affair and when Fitzgerald found out, some sort of sadness set in him. When the book was finally published and it was not as successful as he anticipated. When the stock market crashed and the jazz age came to a close, Zelda began to slowly lose her mind. She became so irrational that she grabbed the wheel while Fitzgerald was driving and nearly drove them off a cliff. The doctors then pronounced her schizophrenic and she went to a hospital in North Carolina. Fitzgerald ended up drinking gin all day and alcoholism began to set in and corrupt his health. He ended up suffering from a massive heart attack and died instantly at the age of 44 on December 21, 1940.
The 1920’s was a very upbeat and interesting decade. People know it as the “Roaring Twenties”, or “The Jazz Age.” It was the time of Prohibition, the introduction to jazz music, and partying. Prohibition was the illegal production and distribution of alcohol. Many people were against drinking, but there were still the many that enjoyed a drink once in a while. Bootleggers were people who illegally sold and produced alcohol so other people could enjoy it in secret. People went to speakeasies, which were secret hidden bars that sold alcohol they got from the bootleggers. Young women began rebelling by cutting their hair short, wearing dresses

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