Ideas for essay:
Band is single handedly the most important thing to have happened in my life because of my friends in it, the music I make, and the memories I receive.
How do I want to write this? Do I just want to go straight into it?
There I am. Conducting my band. We’re playing our music and we’re playing it well. Before I know it we’re all hitting the big impact moment and there it is. It is what everyone has been waiting for. The big rush moment.
Band is my escape. Whenever there is a problem I am having I always know i can go to band and those problems will just disappear. Doesn’t matter if I am playing the clarinet or conducting the band, I will always know that
The band program means a lot to me because it has helped me become more outgoing and friendly to people. It has also helped me gain much more of an interest towards all things music. When I was a kid I always wanted to be a teacher, but I never knew what I wanted to teach. When I joined band and attended different music classes, I became interested in something that meant little to me at the time. During my time in band it became much more clear to me that I wanted to pursue music education. The band program means a lot to me because it made me who I am today and I hope to help someone find themselves through music like I
I started band in the 6th grade, I honestly thought that I wasn’t going to make it to my senior year, but here I am a senior in band. I am not forced to be in band I can get out at anytime anyday, but I choose not to. It is hard when you are marching and it feels like 100+ degrees. You feel like you want to pass out, but you just have to suck it up and be tough. Throughout the years I have been in band I have created friendships. I have my closest friends in band. I have created many memories in band that will last a lifetime, that I will share one day with my kids. I do not know what I would do without band. Getting in band has been the best decision I have ever made. Band has been the highlight of my high school years. One of the scariest moments I have experienced in band was when we messed up at U.I.L. contest, I was terrified I did not want us to make a 2, it all happened so fast. It was time to get our results, we made a 1, I was so happy. The judges said that if you were to close your eyes and listening to us, you would not know we messed up. We never stopped playing and we recovered so fast, we were so matured when this happened. Band takes up
Marching band is hands down one of the biggest influences in my life. It has only impacted me in a positive way. From friendships that I know will last a lifetime to experiences i could never forget. My junior year in band I was baritone section leader and my senior year I was low brass section leader and brass horn sergeant. Having to be the leader of 60+ people has really
I would say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren't for band.It's because of band that I try harder at the things that I take interested because without them I wouldn't be the same person today.
In the first grade, I picked up a clarinet. It was my sister’s, collecting dust while waiting for me to play it. From the moment I produced my first sound, an ear-piercing squeal that frightened my dog, the path of my life took a turn for the better. I began teaching myself for the following three years, along with learning from my sister how to properly play the beautiful instrument. The music pushed me out of my comfort zone: concerts that forced me onstage, tests that made me play difficult songs, and teachers that pushed me to be an exceptional player. From the shy elementary school student I used to be to the outgoing band member I take joy in being today, music has shaped my everyday life.
Band has become my second home and my drum has become my heart. They have shown me that I am capable of more than I think. I’ve been able to discover more about myself being in percussion than I was while playing flute. My family is the people I go and spend 9 days out of the week
I have been actively participating in the school band for five years. While most of my fellow classmates have dropped out of band, I have stuck with it because, I know band teaches me valuable
All of this contributed to me joining the marching band, beginning in eighth grade, which has taken over my life now, in the best way possible and given me a defined place. It’s nice to be a part of something like
Twelve Angry Men is set during a scorching summer day in New York City, where twelve men (Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Jack Warden, Henry Fonda, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, and Robert Webber) sit on the jury and deliberate the outcome of a murder trial. The defendant is an eighteen-year-old boy who is accused of murdering his abusive father and tried for first-degree murder. Eager to escape the heat and to attend to other matters, eleven of the twelve men cast their vote as guilty, but juror eight does not. Many believe that the boy is capable of murder because the “slums are a breeding ground for criminals.” However, juror eight begins to take apart the prosecution’s case,
I met most of my best friends from band. You will become more social and outgoing. I used to be so shy and quiet, but once i started band I became the loudest and most outgoing kid there is. Being in band is the coolest thing you can do. You meet so many new people and make so many new friends.
Many people can’t see the benefits obtained by being in marching band. If one’s social life isn’t very strong, and they aren’t very extroverted, marching band is a great solution. My band, the Deltona High School Blue Brigade, greatly encouraged bonding among band members because band is a family, not just a music group. Marching band is also a sport. It’s a team effort, requiring a lot of physical exertion, and it gives a sense of competition. Marching band also teaches some hierarchy, which is a useful thing to know in the workforce. Another important aspect of band is that it’s a really good experience. It may be stressful at times, but it is definitely worth it. Having been in band for seven years, I can confirm all of this.
When the question is brought up, “What does band mean to you?” I immediately think of the responsibility, hard work, and dedication and band has given me the chance to learn and strengthen. In addition to these life skills are many others, such as leadership, teamwork, and friendship. The Force has made more than just a difference in my high school career, it has impacted my life and has provided me with skills that will follow me throughout my life. Band means to supporting each other as we work through the hard times and grow closer as a family. Band means working hard and taking on responsibility for yourself. It also means being dependable, that people can count on you and your ability to achieve the unthinkable.
Albert Schweitzer once said, “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” While cats are really great, music can be a safe haven for many people; I myself feel most at home when surrounded by music. The best place for me to have this safety, security and acceptance is in the high school band room. For most, it is just a room filled with instruments and kids who don’t want to go to gym; but the memories and friends made there are what make that room so special.
Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not enough
Intro- The Great Hunger, Great Famine, the dreaded calamity, or if your outside of Ireland the Irish Potato Famine. Occurring between 1847-1852, the famine claimed the lives of around one million people and caused millions to flee Ireland, in order to escape the bleak situation it was. Today I will be giving some background of life in Ireland before the famine started of the average citizen, I will briefly discuss the pathogen that killed the potato crop, the government response to the famine, the overall consequences and reactions of the Irish people, and finally I will discuss the ethical dilemmas that the famine raise.