
Identifying Elder Abuse Within Healthcare Settings

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Identifying Elder Abuse in Healthcare Settings Nicole L. Blanchard Nicholls State University Nursing 228 Identifying Elder Abuse in Healthcare Settings Elder abuse is a growing problem that can be a challenge to address. Physical, emotional, and financial abuse is associated with increased mortality rates, especially in those that are alone. The National center on Elder Abuse (as cited in Hoover & Polson, 2014) defines elder abuse as “intentional or neglectful acts by a caregiver or ‘trusted’ individual that lead to or may lead to, harm of a vulnerable elder”. Mistreatment of older adults will incline as the number of adults that need caregivers increase. The elder adult that is the most susceptible to abuse is most likely frail, defenseless, and cognitively impaired. Amidst all other problems, the older adult has encountered at least one type of abuse in their later years. Many cases of older adult abuse are not reported and the abuse continues until mortality. Statistics The cases of elder abuse or neglect reported is alarming. The association of morbidity and mortality is astonishing as more victims are being identified. Studies, including surveys and interviews, have been done to identify what group of elders are at higher risk for abuse. The occurrence rate is increasing with the elder women, as they are being controlled and threatened by their abuser. It is more than likely that more than one type of abuse is experienced by the elder adult. In a

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