
Identifying Rashes In Children

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There are some potential barriers to the project involving the difficulty of identifying similar rashes and the population of parents. Many of the parents and guardians of the children have low income making it more likely for them to send their children to daycare even with a rash because they are living pay check to pay check and need to work to be able to feed their family. Another potential problem is the majority of the children are dark skinned making it harder to identify rashes. This is not only because it is harder to see the rashes appearance such as pink in dark skin but also because the majority of examples of rashes are shown on light skinned individuals I think it is important to find pictures of rashes on darker individuals. …show more content…

According to Allmon, Deane, & Martin, (2015) it is important to look at all the symptoms and history of the child and the rash when considering if it is contagious. This includes a child’s demeanor, temperature, how long they have had the rash, if there is itching present, the location, size, color and overall appearance of the rash. Common rashes that occur in childhood include: roseola infantum, pityriasis rosea, scarlet fever, impetigo, molluscum contagiosum, tinea infection, and atopic dermatitis. (Allmon, Deane, & Martin, 2015). They all have distinguishing sets of signs and symptoms, varying in location and …show more content…

Because of how common rashes are and how different they can be, providing a basic knowledge to teachers and parents can help in identifying rashes that may be contagious or not. Many rashes resolve on their own without treatment. But some rashes can be serious even life threatening. This is why it is important that rashes are taken seriously so they can be diagnosed and treated. Using the history of the child and previous rashes, physical examination, and consideration of red flags is paramount (Santistevan, Long, & Koyfman, 2017). There are many different causes of rashes and many look similar. (Ely and Seabury, 2010). By teachers identifying infectious rashes treatment can be started quickly and the spread can be stopped. It is important to have a basic knowledge of the most common and the rare contagious rashes so the child can be separated and receive

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