
Identity Among Adolescents: Article Analysis

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Key Findings The documents reveals that the results point to a significant association between discrimination and ethnic identity among adolescents. The information in the document shows. It also mentions that this will affect them into their adulthood and possibly affect them for life. It slows there socialisation with people that are not from their ethnic background because they don’t feel comfortable associating with them. They may feel that because they have experienced discriminated before from other people that it may happen again if that person is not from their ethnic background. Although …show more content…

Although they want to be unique and their own person they also want a sense of belonging this could be finding comfort with certain groups such as familial, ethnic, occupational, and even emotional connectivity. These group identities, in addition to satisfying the need for acceptance help people define themselves in the eyes of both others and themselves. Identity formation as it begins in childhood and becomes more distinct going into adolescent years. Past experiences such as family life, sexual maturation physical growth racism and discrimination can affect the mindset of the individual and

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