
Identity Identities, Identity, Identities And Identities

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In everyday talk to reach personal aspects of who they are, as well as group-level identifications, people implement many different practices in speech to help support these identities. Identities are important because it influence how a communication interact, and “shape how they communicate” Category approaches treat identities as stable aspects of persons that shape how they communicate (Tracy & Robles, 2013, p 20).
As we have learned there are three main identities that a person tends to present during a communication situation. They are master identities, interactional identities and personal identities. They do not work individually but assist together to create a social role that a person is trying to present during …show more content…

The person I select is the father, who filmed the entire conversation. I find him interesting because he did not talk much but at the end the father successfully left with his son without being enforce by police. The two identities on the father I would like to analyse here is “a father finished visitation and filming” and “a father covering his son”. These two identities are conflict because the father was trying to keep out of the affair and just film anything might happen, but also wants to help his son. For convenience lets call the first identities “father cameramen” and second identities “father daddy”. I will select six discourse practices that indicate how two identities seems to be in tension with each other.
First three discourse practices indicate “father cameramen” identities.
IDENTITY : Father who finished visitation and filming
EXAMPLE: He’s not being restrained by me. I’m just filming, that’s all I’m doing.
Disclaiming are verbal devices to deflect others from assigning negative or inappropriate personal identities to self. They are conversational moves that are done at the time before a potentially problematic utterance. Disclaiming: Also disclaimers; Face-threatening speech act that seeks to deflect potential criticism (Tracy & Robles, 2013, p 285). Here the father wants to show that he was not the

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