
Identity In Raymond Carver's Everything Stuck To Him

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Analysis of Everything Stuck to Him – Written by Raymond Carver In the many works of Raymond Carver, there are always a vast amount of themes that can be found in all of his stories. While there are several that can be found in his short story, Everything Stuck to Him, there will be only one that this paper will focus on. That theme is identity. Out of all of themes that are present in this story, the theme of identity sticks out more than the others; at least to this reader. The theme identity starts out as something that is barely there, if it can be seen at all, to being able to see identity being formed as the story progresses, with the story ending with identity finally being realized. This is a process that occurs during three …show more content…

This is important as it also symbolizes the change that has come into the boy and girl's life, the birth of their daughter. This has once again completely changed the boy and girl's life…they have now become parents and at such a young age as well. Before the birth of their daughter, the boy and girl would discuss their dreams and pretty much go about their lives as they were before they got married. This is clearly seen as the boy is still more than happy to go out hunting, even after the birth of his daughter. This makes it clear that he is not ready to accept his identity as a father and by extension his identity as a husband. It is unknown if the girl takes to her role as a mother or not, as the story seems to focus mainly on the boy so it is left up to the reader to decide. The boy's claim to his husband identity is brought to question as it comes to light that he seems to care more for his wife's two sisters than he does his own wife. So now the boy is not only battling against his identity as a father but as a husband as well. This causes the boy to have to come to a decision one cold morning. The night before was filled with the cries of the baby that no matter what the boy or girl did simply would not stop crying; as such the girl was trying desperately to figure out what is wrong with her baby while the boy curses out of sheer frustration and stress for not being able to stop the baby from crying. The night passes with

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