
If Little Albert Study Ethically Wrong

Decent Essays

If little Albert experiment was conducted in the 21st century it would not be allowed because it was ethically wrong. When first reading the experiment, it surprised me because I believe going through with an experiment on an infant is wrong even if it is for the sake of research. For Waston and Raynor I'm sure it was harder for him to see the ethics in the experiment because the experiment was important to him. To truly decide if a situation when the importance of research surpasses the dangers of the research because ethically no research should surpass the dangers of the research. But, this very controversial. If doctors had to experiment on people after successfully experimenting on animals for something life changing like a cure for cancer. I would say if the person understands the dangers of the experiment it is up to them to decide. In the case of Albert, he did not understand the dangers of the research and because of this the ethics and integrity of the classical conditioning experiment is questioned.
The experiment is explained to us in the text ( quote #1) and it makes you think what you might have done not …show more content…

Was his method used in the experiment "good psychology" because his experiment does not meet ethical standards, does that also weaken the integrity of the experiment done. It also begins to question if Albert was his only test subject and if not, was it done under the same pretext as Albert? In our text we are also introduced to "systematic desensitization: " as a way to cure a phobia. After a little more research on the experiment an article "The Little Albert Experiment " by Alexander Burgemeester states that, "Watson could have ‘cured’ Albert of the phobia he had induced using a process known as systematic desensitization but chose not to as he and Raynor wanted to continue with the experiment until the Albert’s mother came to collect

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