
Ignorance In 'All The Light We Cannot See'

Decent Essays

“All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr suggests the overall theme of ignorance in the characters in the sense that the major characters do not truly comprehend the war that is going on in their country, along with the war that is going on through their lives. A few key points to understanding the theme of the novel is to look at the symbols that are shown throughout the novel. The blindness of Marie-Laure is a symbol that helps us understand the theme of ignorance through the novel. Marie-Laure’s blindness is both literal and figurative, because her blindness is a real, physical thing, however Marie-Laure gives a sense of blindness to what truly is happening around her in her life. Not only is the country she lives in going to war, but Marie does not understand what is going on when her family has to pick up and move to Saint-Malo, along with what has happened to her father along the way, including why he was taken away. …show more content…

The government is using Werner to their advantage because they are making Werner complete the radios to block out anti-German broadcasts, along with helping the government find the transmitters for in battle. Werner is also bribed by the government because the government offers all these little perks to the citizens if they are to help and join into the army, including Hitler’s Youth. The idea of Werner’s figurative blindness relates to the theme of ignorance, because Werner is hidden from the truth of the war. Another symbol that is heavy throughout the novel relating to the theme is youthfulness. In both cases of Werner and Marie-Laure, they are both shed from the truth behind the war, and the hatefulness of the country. Both Werner and Marie-Laure are hidden from the war to keep their youthfulness and

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