
Examples Of Ignorance Is Not Bliss

Decent Essays

Ignorance is Not Bliss Fox news blared from the television as I walked into my grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving. Titles from the broadcast included: “ 'HYPOCRITICAL 'THREAT? Obama takes heat over warning states can 't legally refuse Syrian refugees.” “Names of key Paris attackers were known to Belgian mayor in 2014” “ISIS parks its cash in Bitcoin, experts say.” “Russia deploys missiles in Syria after Turkey shoots down bomber.” These are a few of the headlines that assaulted me as I greeted my eighty-six year old grandfather. He looked at me and said, “Our world is in a precarious state with dangers everywhere you look.” My grandfather watches the news twenty-four seven and is an expert on national and world events. Obsessing …show more content…

Eleven million people were killed in the Holocaust. In this case and many others, turning a blind eye only perpetuated the situation. There are countless examples of how a few concerned individuals made a difference and saved many lives. We will never know what could have happened if the majority of Germans would have taken action against this evil. Being informed in situations like these allows one to take a stand and help those in harm’s way. Ignorance may not be complicit in wrongdoing, but purposeful ignorance is just as immoral. Being informed about what is happening around us is essential to the formation of America’s foreign policy actions. “America’s success abroad is founded on the rock of an informed and involved public.” stated Colin Powell. The recent terrorist attacks in Paris are a stark reminder of why we need to be aware of world events and politics. Without a full knowledge of what is happening in the world, we cannot support or oppose the foreign policy decisions of our president and congress. Furthermore, America is the leader of the free world and responsible for defending other countries against terrorism. As responsible citizens, we need to know the dangers and threats in order to prepare our military and our people. The current administration has only made the world situation more tenuous due to its appeasement ideologies. We can only support congress to take the

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