
Illegal Immigrants Cons

Decent Essays

Bill Clinton once said, “I believe that those who promote discrimination on sexual orientation or any other grounds are gravely mistaken about the values that make our nation strong”. There is employment discrimination when someone is fired because of personal grudges or non work related issues. Many groups of people don’t have equal opportunities in the American workplace. Including illegal immigrants, ex convicts, children under fourteen and gays. Illegal immigrants will be denied jobs because businesses just don’t hire illegal immigrants. That can be because of policy, they don’t want to get in trouble for hiring someone who is here illegally. Ex convicts aren’t always trusted in the workplace. Many businesses just don’t hire ex convicts …show more content…

They don’t have a chance at getting any government jobs. If they try to get a government job, the government would find out that they're here illegally. Many businesses don’t hire them because of policy. Many politicians say they’re taking our jobs, and yet not many illegal immigrants can get a living wage job. A lot of times illegal immigrants will work on a farm for less than minimum wage. Ex convicts have even less chance of getting jobs. Society views all ex convicts as a danger to their lives. As a result, many times they are not trusted. Some businesses don’t hire them. They can be fired when their employers find out they were an ex convict. Sometimes they feel pressured to lie because they don’t know if they’ll be hired. This gives ex convicts few choices, but to continue crime to make money. Both Gays and youth under fourteen have hard times getting jobs. There is no real reason for either. They are just discriminated against and not welcome. Anyone under fourteen is not allowed to get a job by law. Even when they turn fourteen they can’t get jobs at many businesses, for example subway doesn’t hire at fourteen. As we saw earlier, gay’s can be fired because of their sexuality. That is not protected

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