
Illness In Mental Illness

Decent Essays

Mental Illness among Adolescence and Adults Dealing with Homelessness

It is well known that homelessness is an issue around the world. There are many reasons why men, women, and adolescences are suffering with being homeless. Nevertheless, the issues these human beings are dealing with day to day for the fight for survival. In fact, the problem of having no place to call home is enough to swallow. Without a doubt, one major issue most of the homeless population deals with everyday is mental illness. There have been studies that look at mental illness/ homelessness and the connection with violent/non-violent crimes. Some studies looked at the claim that most homeless people are mentally ill (Johnson & Chamberlain, 2011). This literature review will express the need to assist the homeless population who suffers with mental illness along with their environment which plays a significant role in developmental stages of life.
Literature Review Johnson and Chamberlain (2011) did a study which states between 72 and 82 percent of homeless people have mental health issues. Of the 173 people studied ranging in age from 12 years old and older receive some form of treatment for mental illness. The implications were that 80 percent of the sample had been homeless for one year or longer and 50 percent had been homeless for two years or more. Majority of the people in the study has experienced two or more episodes of homelessness. In the study mental illness is prevalent in

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