
Chronic Homelessness

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Co-Occurring Disorders among Chronically Homeless Individuals
Brandi R. Severson
Concordia University, St. Paul

As rates of homelessness continue to rise across the United States, the overall quality of life for this population is in question as many are victimized on a daily basis (Martin, 2015). Homelessness is a growing problem in nearly every city across the United States and yet it is often overlooked. One of the primary causes of homelessness across the United States is the result of chronic mental health disorders followed by increasing rates of poverty (Martin, 2015). The harmful effects of long-term homelessness are well known and documented as incidents of violence and sexual abuse increase among …show more content…

Rates of homeless continue to grow and the need for support is becoming increasingly apparent (Bawden, 1990). By looking into the characteristics and backgrounds of the homeless population across the United States, a better understanding will be gained to help address the systemic issues that can lead to homelessness and design services that address current needs (Wilder Research Foundation, 2013). On the night of October 25, 2012, shelter providers in Minnesota counted 7,961 homeless individuals in shelters and transitional housing programs and an additional 2,221 homeless individuals were identified who were not staying in a formal shelter for a total of 10,214 homeless individuals (Wilder Research Foundation, 2014). The count from October 25, 2012 is an underrepresentation of the total homeless population in Minnesota, since many homeless people staying outside of the shelter system are not found on the night of the study. Research and descriptions of the homeless population are extremely limited due to the many difficulties associated with identifying and describing this population (Bawden, 1990). Many researchers have focused on shelters and soup kitchens in attempts to engage and study the mentally ill on the street; however this strategy limits …show more content…

73). What the social adaptation theory fails to mention is that different homeless groups have been known to respond to the homeless subculture in different ways. Chamberlain & Johnson (2013) examine homelessness based on five pathways: housing crisis, family breakdown, substance abuse, mental health, and youth to adult. Individuals on different pathways relate to the homeless subculture differently and often have different coping strategies with dealing with

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