
Illness With Mental Illness

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Mental illness is a term that evokes myriads of emotions in people all around the globe. Health Canada defines mental illness as those, “Characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior- or some combination thereof- associated with significant distress and impaired functioning.” One in five families are affected by mental illness in some way, whether it is through a parent, sibling, or spouse. These illnesses do not only change the life of the patient, rather, the lives of the entire family are uprooted and changed in drastic ways. People are drawn to close relationships with others. Our earliest closest bond we form into relationships is family. Therefore, it is easy to understand why a family illness can cause such scathing pain and distress to each family member (Marshall et al., 2010). Each member is affected in a way the differs from each other, as they each struggle to work through the pain and grief which they are experiencing. Due to this common epidemic, nurses and associations have been prepped in how to work in alleviating the grieving family’s pain. With their help, and the help of others in their community, families that are experiencing this devastating journey, learn to cope and deal with the discomforts that come along with having a mentally ill family member.
James A. Hyde writes from experience as he explains the difficulties a family faces when a family member is diagnosed with a mental illness. He explains that the diagnosis of a chronic

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