
Illustration Essay: Why We Drink

Decent Essays

It was a Monday morning and the topic of everyone's conversation was the past weekend. Usually explaining how drunk they were and the uncontrollable mishaps that we didn't even remember until the next day. For example, they tell their friends "Man, I was soooo wasted last night, I must have drank like 10 beers and like half a bottle of vodka", all told with smile of excitement hoping to do it again the next weekend. This regular occurrence got me thinking, why do we brag ourselves and praise others for accomplishing something that requires absolutely no skill? In short, why do we get drunk?

I feel that some people drink in order to knock down or at least lower the wall of insecurities they have built up inside them even for just an …show more content…

One weekend night after drinking too much Smirnoff Vodka, Mike decided he didn't want to be a friend to a certain girl anymore and was going to change all that. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a failed attempt for Sean where he admitted his true feelings which weren't mutual. In effort to erase a sense of rejection with an excuse for his actions, Sean later told her "I wasn't serious, I was just really drunk" to avoid any awkwardness between them.

Alcohol is frequently used to wipe a bed memory or experience. After being fired from a job or attempting to deal with the loss of loved one, an outlet for many people is to "drink away their problems." For example, my Uncle became an alcoholic because he blamed himself for the accidental death of his twin brother. He would constantly drink to try and numb the unforgiving pain and regret of a fateful day where his brother was killed in a motorcycle accident.

In many instances people drink to simply have a good time. I interpret this statement as though people enjoy having no sense of control, no restraint to any rules or any form of order. They may enjoy the thought of having no idea where the night may take them and what they may do while they're detached from their usual self and regular behaviors. Also, younger adults who are underage may drink just to go against the rules. Getting drunk because they are told by their parents and the law that they are not allowed to and no longer wish to

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