
Imagery and Symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby

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F. Scott Fitzgerald uses imagery and symbolism to represent bigger ideas in his stories. For his novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald was able to do something most authors aren’t. He was able to approve of the cover of his book. The cover selected was a painting of a nightly city, being watched over by celestial eyes. The eyes stand out in juxtaposition of the rest of the dark blue sky due to their sickly yellow color as a teal tear travels down from the left. However, a closer look at the eyes in the cover show that they irises are blue, and inside the eyes are two women. The surreal art piece has as much symbolism in it as the pages it protects, especially the eyes in which the painting is named for. The women within the eyes on the cover …show more content…

She found the house exquisite, and even cried over his imported shirts because of how wealthy they made him appear. (reference of pg.98) However, Gatsby was “new money” and his riches weren’t definite. Daisy knew that Tom Buchanan was born wealthy, thus made him a better candidate. Wealth and materialistic items mean nothing to God, as the humans within the eyes are naked, baring nothing. Jay Gatsby was born a poor farm boy by the name of James Gatz. Through hard labor and a bit of illegal business, James Gatz “sprang from his Platonic conception of himself” (pg.104) and became the Great Gatsby. He is rich, he is powerful, and above his “Shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” (pg. 104) of parents. “He is the son of God.” (pg. 104) His new found riches separates him from the rest of society-- yet not from death. The only difference his wealth gave him from other people was the quality of his burial suit. Despite his riches, he was just like anyone else-- perishable. Not only was he still mortal, he was still a farm boy at heart. The money did not change Gatsby at all. When he and Daisy shared tea over Nick’s house, he lost all composure. He became a jittery child, going as far as leaving the house to appear as though he arrived after Daisy did. When he met with Tom and Daisy’s friends, he was socially awkward. Gatsby was completely oblivious to the fact that he was not actually wanted at the lunch, and was invited out of courtesy. His wealth did not change his

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