
Imagine, by John Lennon Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Aulia Andito Purbo 30/10/2013 13/350138/SA/17048


By: John Lennon

John Lennon 's song entitled Imagine, from the title itself seems like inviting us to imagine what John Lennon think about the world. The song reflects John Lennon 's consideration about how the world would be like if there are no rules, no differences and all people don 't really think about their own possession.

John Lennon thought that if the world could be like what I just mentioned above, there will be no hatred and there would be only peace. John Lennon thought that the rules would lead people to conflicts between themselves. Because if there is a rule, there is a stronger group that rule the weaker one. And of course the weaker one don 't want to be ruled …show more content…

He tried to influence the other with his idea. It also could ended with conflict.

The fourth paragraph implied that we need to set aside our possession. Also not to be greed or hunger. Greedy people cannot be satisfied. Greedy people always want more. No matter if they break the others right. John Lennon thought that we need to share our world together. He meant if we could remove our possession, greed and hunger, it seem like we would have better

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