
Immigrants In Canad Case Study

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Canada is a multicultural country which has a history of providing home for millions of immigrants since 19th century. Modern labor market of Canada heavily relies on immigrants who have higher education and specific skills that are valuable for the market. The number of immigrants steadily grows: in 2017 Canada accepted 300,000 immigrants, while in 2020 it is projected to have nearly 340,000 immigrants. In its turn, immigration helps to balance the aging demographic situation. With growing number of immigrants, the job opportunities would grow as well, and at the same time it would also increase the wage rates for native Canadians. However, the growing gap between the wages of immigrants and Canadians, a lack of opportunities for immigrants to be hired on a senior or middle positions are concerning. For the new immigrants it creates a serious situation. In a new country, the immigrant could not find the job one studied for, having to find a low-skilled job in order to earn money.
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A stigma occurs when an immigrant who is welcomed inside a country by a society but is rejected by an employee. As it is known, it is a serious violation of human rights to discriminate a person based on gender, religion, ethnicity, sex, and other aspects of a person. Goffman’s theory of social stigma suggests that there is an attribute of the individual that is discredited by a society or a group of people. Hence, this attribute is associated with something inappropriate and causes negative reaction to it. It is possible to see the correlation when the accent of the immigrant discredits the opportunity to be employed. The employer sees accent as something negative that could disrupt activity in a

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