
Prejudice By Castle And Kosack Analysis

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Using Castle and Kosack to Dissect Prejudice The fight to eliminate prejudice in both the German and American workplace has made great strides through decades of activism and legislation but, we can still witness or experience prejudice today. Prejudice can take on many forms whether it's built around race, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, or age. Castles and Kosack’s Prejudice, Race, and Class interpret three different principles of prejudice against immigrants: the cause, high rate among the working class, and the three distinct functions. Although the cause of prejudice is genuinely unknown, many different theories have come to light through various research. One study looks at how a person becomes who they are from learning from their parents, teachers and other people of authority what is normal and moral and what is not. These values are threatened when people with different views of what is moral and normal come to a foreign land. Castles and Kosack explain the general cause of prejudice against immigrates is because they are different. An example in American culture is that of the Hispanic community. In recent years a large influx of Hispanic immigrates workers have come to …show more content…

They help to preserve the societal status quo by, firstly, legitimating the exploitation of immigrants, secondly, diverting workers’ attention from the true cause of their insecure position, thirdly, splitting the labor movement and weakening class consciousness” (Castles and Kosack, 460). The first function, in particular, is practiced within American society. For instance, Mexican immigrants are subject to work in inferior labor jobs that do not pay well. Illegal immigrants are treated almost inhumane having to do low paying jobs such a meat packing that causes injuries and disease among

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