
Essay on Immigrants and Homeless Have Higher Risks of Health Problems

Decent Essays

A vulnerable population is defined as “ people who are at risk of developing health problems” by “ their sociocultural status, their limited access to economic resources, or their personal characteristics such age and gender.” (Chesnay & Anderson, 2012) Some of these vulnerable populations can be labeled and are treated differently in our healthcare system. There are many families that are labeled to in a status of their wealth, race and age. Specific types of specific population is immigrants and homeless individuals
There are many immigrants that come to the United State to start a new chapter in their life. However, they might develop health issues later and have to see a physician to be treated. “Immigrants have limited access to …show more content…

Therefore they are not acting as a child, having fun with other children and having a childhood. “Making sure immigrant children grow up physically and developmentally healthy is in the national interest, says the AAP, because they represent such a large part of the economic and social future of the U.S.” (Seaman, 2013). Cultural beliefs can also be difficult when it comes to a health condition. There are times when parents do not take their children to the doctor for their regular check-up, immunizations or to see a doctor when ill. Educating immigrant families could solve this problem by letting them know and understand the pros and cons of seeking correct healthcare for their children. Immigrant families are entering the US without any knowledge about their future or their health.
Another type of vulnerable population is a homeless individual. Homeless men and women is an occurring problems all over the United States. They have the disadvantage of providing for themselves and caring for their health. Homeless individuals who have a chronic health disorder are unable to care for their needs, such as a diabetic who is unable to control their sugar levels and could lead to death. They do not have a home or unable to find shelter, food is scarce and finances can be hard for them to deal. “Poverty contributes to suffering in the chronically ill in need of palliation as it encompasses lower educational achievement and health literacy and limited access

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