
Immigration Arguments For Immigration

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Immigration: An Argument for Loose Borders
Immigration is not only beneficial to the United States, but is a vital component of what the country is made up of. The United States of America was founded on immigration several hundred years ago when individuals and their families left their home countries for various different reasons. Immigration is defined as “the movement of people from one country into another, for residential rather than visiting purposes, which may be for a number of reasons,” (QUOTE). Some of the reasons that people do immigrate to the United States are for economic, familial, personal, and social reasons. Many individuals come to this country to find a job, support their children or families, or provide better education for their children, among many other things. Regardless of the reason, Christians are called to have mercy and be compassionate toward immigrants as outlined in several different Biblical scriptures. Christians have a moral duty to look after the needs of their neighbors, and by allowing for more open borders, this can be accomplished. It is important to examine immigration from several different perspectives, especially from the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is an important component to apply to any controversial topic because it causes one to see their worldview from four different perspectives: scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. These elements bring a fulfilling understanding of Christianity and

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