
Immigration Autobiography

Decent Essays

I was born in Odessa, former Soviet Union and presently Ukraine; there I lived my first thirty-three years. Now I am a proud citizen of United States of America, my adopted country, the country I love, and truly consider mine. So many things and events leading to our departure and details of the immigration process now are vague in my memory, but I do not want to forget them completely; also, there are grandkids that someday may want to know a little about their roots. Although, I realize that my story was very typical and thousands of other families had similar experiences, I still want to recall as much as possible and be as truthful as possible, while describing our passage to America. In the year 1965, I was twenty years old (not very matured), when Victor and I were married. Our daughter, Annushka, showed up …show more content…

Actually the misery of living in the rundown apartment with communal kitchen shared by 3 other families deserves more details; also when add no running water, absence of the toilet and heating ( the word air-conditioning did not exist in our vocabulary) the picture becomes more vivid. I need to explain the Soviet system of apartment distribution: to become eligible to only stay in line for an apartment (even co-op that we later paid for) each person must occupy no more than 4 sq. meters or 36 sq. feet. For my parents, husband, daughter, and I our apartment had to be no more than 720 sq. feet or the size of average one bedroom apartment in America. My parent’s apartment was slightly bigger. Thinking that I will have to spend the rest of my life sharing apartment with my parents made me desperate, (my mom was not very fond of my husband and the feeling was mutual, although their relationship improved after we moved out). Victor saved the situation by falsifying the size of our apartment to fit the draconian

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