
Immigration Laws Should Have Authority Over A State 's Immigration Requirements

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Since the late 1800’s the United States has been challenged with multiple cases regarding immigration and citizenship. Immigration has been a direct cause for population growth and cultural changes throughout history. These causes and changes has affected society and sparked controversy. Immigration policies can affect trade, investments, and tourism for the whole country. The issue being if the federal government should have authority over a state’s immigration requirements. In 2013, the United Nations estimated that there were close to two hundred million immigrants in the world, which is approximately 3.25% of the global population. In the supreme court case of Arizona v. United States, the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, signed an act that was named “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” to penalize unwarranted immigrants.

It made it a misdemeanor for any illegal immigrant to reside in the state of Arizona without some kind of legal document. Many people opposed this act for the simple fact that it stripped people of their civil rights. Protests and rallies were held against the new act in Chicago and Los Angeles deeming the situation problematic. The public thought it was an opportunity for racial profiling and discrimination against hispanics. The case was filed by the United States Justice Department on the sixth of July in 2010.

On the twenty-eighth of July, Judge Susan Bolton ruled “Federal resources will be taxed and diverted from federal

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