
Immunization Study Essay

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In the immunization study, we see how the misleading information could impact the lives of people. In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues by publishing a paper suggesting that the autism may be related to the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine have led some parents to stop giving their children the MMR vaccination. In my opinion, this study has led to the most harm of people around the world because as related in the article, the MMR vaccination dropped after the publication of the paper. Also, the impact is still seen more than 10 years later because in 2008 and 2009 some cases of measles appeared in the UK, in the USA and Canada caused by the non vaccination of children (Rao, Andrade, 2011). Wakefield and his colleagues have …show more content…

They should not have done a wide publicity of information of this importance without making sure it was based on rigorous scientific study. Media would have contacted other scientists and organizations working in the same field to get their opinions about the results before making large publication of it.
The medical journal Lancet also made the mistake to publish this study that they retracted later on in 2010. The results published by Wakefield and his colleagues based on a study of 12 children showed a lack of scientific method as also pointed out by the article. The scientists Wakefield and his colleagues could have done their study on a larger sample of children and on a longer period of time, to have more credible results.
Although it took a lot of time, other organizations and scientists did what was necessary to expose the deficiencies of the results made by Wakefield and his colleagues.
However, the new cases of measles in 2008 and 2009, showed that the public continued to believe the result published by Wakefield and his colleagues. Though, this result has been refuted by other scientists, some parents put the life of their children at risk by not getting them vaccinated. It is important for the public to consider all the details of an information in order to take a well thought

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