
Impact Of Social Environment In Maggie

Decent Essays

Stephen Crane’s novella Maggie: A Girl of the Streets there are various themes. One of the themes is the impact of the social environment. The impact of social environment is how people are products of their own environment. The theme explains, how people grow up due to the conditions, people, and environment that surrounds them. The Bowery is a precarious place, and it is 14 blocks and has 82 bars, making alcohol very accessible to the residents. The Bowery has a negative impact on people and even children that live there. It is a concrete jungle where only the strong survive. The living conditions are unquestionably poor and the tenements where people live are full of immigrants. The kids in the Bowery live with alcoholic and abusive parents, pregnant women who are not married, and finally prostitutes. Maggie, Jimmie, and Pete are all characters that deserve forgiveness due to Stephen Crane message, people are products of their own environment and deserve forgiveness. Maggie is born into an Irish family. She mostly takes care of her younger brother, Tommie and was the odd one out of the Bowery kids. “She grew to be a most rare and wonderful production of a tenement district . . . the philosophers up stairs, down stairs and on the same floor puzzled over it” (Crane 18). As an adult, Maggie deals with many problems, like her job as a seamstress and her relationship with Pete. As a result of her hardships, she turned to prostitution to earn money. She is found dead in a

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