
Impact Of Three Presidents During The Cold War

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Presidents During the Cold War The Cold War, while not a lethal time, was possibly the most dangerous time in American History. The United States went through three different presidents during the Cold War. Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all dealt with the containment of communism in different ways, with Truman and Kennedy looking for slower and more methodical approaches, and Eisenhower, being a war hero, aiming to maximize the use of our military. The Cold War could have easily become WWIII, and if it had, we probably would not be a country today. The Cold War also pushed us to further develop our technology, helping us become the highly advanced America we are today. According to Ayers’s book, The Cold War was a time when we were at a point of high …show more content…

Eisenhower. One of his greatest strategies when it came to dealing with communism was called “brinkmanship.” According to Ayer’s book, this was when the U.S. would make threats that were dangerous enough to get results without actually having to follow through. In other words, going to the “brink” of war. Eisenhower expressed multiple times in his Eisenhower Doctrine, given on the 5th of January, 1957, that he was ready and willing to give economic aid to any democratic country that needed it. He said that the same went for military aid and military use (Eisenhower). He was possibly the most willing to take immediate action out of the three of these presidents. There were even times when he considered something called “massive retaliation” which, according to American Anthems, was when the U.S. responded to a problem with a force of a much greater magnitude. Eisenhower was also the creator of the Domino Theory, which stated that a political event that happens in one country will affect many other countries (Ayers). Eisenhower demonstrated great power while combating communism, but the U.S.A. would be changing again

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