
Impact of Science and Technology on the Development of Modern Civilization

Decent Essays

The Impact of Science and Technology to Society Albert Einstein (1921)
The rapid rise of modern science has created major social problems. Not only has science created profoundly affected man’s material way of life it also offered an equally profound mental upheaval. As resulted from the changes it has effected in man’s rational understanding of his environment and his attitude toward knowledge. Materials life has primarily felt the technological knowledge growing out of industrial application of scientific discoveries, techniques, and methods. At the same time, the increased awareness and the understanding of nature and the enlightened attitude toward knowledge have seriously impinged upon man’s religious faith and outlook.
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If calamity destroys the capital city of a certain country, community life becomes slower; transportation, food distribution, manufactured goods, professional services, and power distribution would be a remote possibility. Through technological application, science has become the material basis for civilization. Civilization becomes daily more complex through applications of science; and with that growing complexity there develops the weakness based on the fact that civilization would be seriously impaired by the destruction of only a few of its parts.
Science has many faces. It is the man in the white coat; the mechanical brain; the E-mc2. Science could also be a monster that could turn on its creator in times of depression and uncertainty. Science is the fulfillment of hope. It is the cure to one’s illness and the torchbearer in times of great try. Science adored man’s curios instinct for it bridges illusion from reality. Science is pro-human. Through the development of machines, science provides solace from backbreaking physical and manual labor. Modern technology could prolong life in countless ways. Science break the chains of superstition, provide market venue for technological products. The leisure of technology made distance irrelevant. Science created a global village ruled by rational and sociable individuals.
On the other hand, science by the very technological progress, which it

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