
Imperialism In Africa

Decent Essays

“People create stories create people; or rather stories create people create stories.” “Imperialism is the policy or action by which one country forcefully gains and keeps control of another country or territory.” (B1) Imperialism has played a huge role in wars, territorial expansion, and cultural exchange. (B3) During pre-colonial Africa, Europeans were trying to colonize Africa and during the colonization, the Scramble for Africa, the Berlin Conference, and African resistance took place. During the decolonization of Africa, they split up and joined together to make the United Nations. (go back to D)
African culture is one of a kind. “People across the continent are remarkably diverse by just about any measure: They speak a vast number of different languages, practice hundreds of distinct religions, live in a variety of types of …show more content…

It lasted from 1881 to 1914. “This scramble was so intense that there were fears that it could lead to inter-imperialist conflicts and even wars.” (C5) The Africans were afraid that this conflict would separate their country. “Berlin Conference was a meeting of 14 nations to discuss territorial disputes in Africa.”(C1) This lead to the European powers taking control of the African nations. It was held in Germany from 1884 to 1885. (C2) Representatives from the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany were included. (C3) During the Berlin Conference, European powers were trying to get control of Africa’s political control. (C5) They were able to get control of Africa from transportation such as steam engines and they had a surplus of weaponry. “It was these political, diplomatic, and commercial factors and contentions that led to the military conflicts and organized African resistance to European imperialism.” (A6) Many African societies were unable to resist against the European invader because they were politically unbalanced.

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