
Imperialism In Persepolis

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Persepolis Photo Essay

Persepolis, a true story by Marjane Satrapi, accurately represents revolution, imperialism, nationalism, religion, and social classes in Iran. First, imperialism from Persepolis and the picture accurately represent imperialism in Iran. Second, religion from both sources show how important it is in Iran. Revolution from Persepolis and the picture prove how revolutions are in Iran. Nationalism is shown throughout the book and also shown in the picture. From both sources, nationalism is accurately represented. Lastly, social classes are accurately represented in Persepolis and the picture. Overall, imperialism, religion, revolution, nationalism, and social classes are accurately represented throughout Persepolis and the pictures. …show more content…

The top part of the picture shows how everyone is listening and being peaceful while being taken over. As the picture progresses towards the bottom of the page the more violent the pictures become. The Arab invaded Iran is 633 AD. The invasion ended the Sasanian Empire. The photo relates to imperialism because it describes how imperialism has changed. The picture is from Persepolis on page 11. Marjane showed what she associated “modern imperialism” (Satrapi 11) to be. This picture shows the accurate representation of Iran because in early times Iran was peaceful; however, “modern imperialism” (Satrapi 11) is much more dangerous. Throughout Persepolis Marjane talks about her experiences with the Shah and other political powers. Marjane shows what her opinion is about modern imperialism.image1.jpegPalestinian Muslims Read The Koran In Month Ramadan In

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