
Implementing Complex Issues Within An Organization

Decent Essays

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leadership is critical to solving complex issues within an organization and without strategic collective leadership, an organization will not be successful in achieve their mission. Many organizations should recognize the volatility in which they are operating and understand that generation, refinement and revising of business processes is the only key to business success (Senugpta, 2006). As a leader it is also important to be able to identify areas of improvement and evaluate progress for the betterment of the overall organization and the group in which they serve. For a while, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has underestimated the demand for health care appointments for our returning service members, veterans and their dependents. Patient wait times have been a long-standing concern at the VA. Although they are working diligently and exhausting every effort to correct their wrong, there are still areas with the health system that are preventing Veterans from receiving timely access to healthcare and this issue needs to be evaluated and brought up-to-date. Closing this gap of healthcare access issues has become a major priority for many government agencies, medical researchers, other VA organizations, and affiliated community groups despite the commitment from Congress and multiple stakeholders. In this study, the researcher will examine barriers from a VA employee’s perspective that have and still prevent the VA from successfully and

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