
Importance Of Community Service In Education

Decent Essays

This semester I engaged in many different community service and civic engagement activities. The activity that I did the most frequently would be volunteering in a special needs class room at Vandever Elementary in Broken Arrow. I went to Broken Arrow Public School and actually know that teacher that I volunteering with from when I used to peer tutor when I was younger. I peer tutored from 3rd grade through 10th grade, switching between three main classrooms. It was so nice to see one of the teachers that I looked up so much to when I was younger and who instilled in me the joys of teaching. Volunteering in her classroom was very fun and nostalgic, but I do think that she could have been more proactive with her time management skills. While volunteering in the classroom, I became very familiar with the classroom’s daily schedule and their routines. I found that there was quite a bit of time wasted in the afternoon. I was not entirely sure if maybe this had to do with her students and their limits because most of them are only a half day or if it was poor time management. Although, I think the schedule could easily be accommodated to include more instructional time if the students in the classroom were able to adjust to that. In the afternoon they spend a majority of their instructional time watching Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, or Bookflix. I feel like if they divided their time as well they did in the morning they could get in a lot more instructional time. In the mornings

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