
Importance Of Hygiene In Flint

Decent Essays

Rationing materials in order to survive, simple hygiene practices becoming difficult to perform, and sickness spreading throughout the city. This sounds like the description of a war torn country but this is instead the reality of the citizens of Flint, MI. The citizens of Flint have been poisoned and forced to deal with ailments such as seizures and Legionnaires’ disease. Sadly these ailments won’t disappear once the pipes have been replaced and the water system has been switched away from the Flint River. These residents will see the effects of this lead poisoning not only for their lives but for generations to come. We will see the effects in the children of the Flint victims and even their grandchildren. The big question is how did we allow this to happen in the United States of America, one of the world’s most developed countries. Flint is a city with predominantly poor citizens who have an average income of $26,552 annually, which is a far cry from Michigan’s average annual income of $ 65,998. Even when people warned government officials that there was something wrong with the water they had no choice but to use the water when no action was taken. Most citizens in Flint would find it hard to move out of the city due to factors such …show more content…

Flint was barred from returning back to the Detroit water system when they were loaned $7 million in order to get out from under their emergency manager. This piece of legislation was passed without the approval of those it would be affecting nor their representatives. Our system of government was founded on the principle of popular sovereignty which is the rule of people through their elected representatives. The victims of Flint were not represented at all. The disenfranchisement of the Flint citizens show that we only really grant popular sovereignty to those who are not in

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