
Importance Of The American Dream In Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller

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Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, addresses the ongoing conflicts within one family. However, he also uses the play to offer an indictment on the American capitalist system, and in it he exposes the potentially harmful and destructive myth built around the American Dream and the struggles to obtain it. Through the protagonist, Willy Loman, Miller demonstrates the struggles of obtaining the American Dream. Willy does not realize that he is living in a capitalist society and continues to use the wrong methods to attain success and accomplish his American dream. In the end, his dreams never comes true and the only way he believes he can give meaning to his life is by ending it. The setting of the story takes place in Boston, and New York City (Miller 1429). In the beginning of the drama, the setting is described as a stereotypical American household. “There is a kitchen table with three chairs”, and “at the back of the kitchen there is a draped entrance, which leaders to the living room”. Also, “on a shelf over the bed a silver athletic trophy stands”(Miller 1429). The description of Willy Loman's home is used to illustrates the American capitalist dream of homeownership. In particular, the “silver authentic trophy”(Miller 1429) represents competition within the American capitalist system. However, the setting description also includes “towering angular shapes behind it, surround it on all sides”(Miller 1429). Ironically, what Willy wants most in life is freedom, but

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